
The Best Decision You Ever Made (That Didn’t Cost You A Thing)

Jul 26, 2016

Vending machines occupy breakrooms in offices across the country. They offer convenience, provide delicious, healthy snacks and allow a snack/meal break when restaurants and stores may be closed or too far away to access during an allotted break time. However, in these same years, people love to hate vending machines. Products get stuck, change doesn’t dispense, dollar bills (no matter how many times you flatten them) won’t read and in some scenarios, products (when they do vend) come through the hatch expired.

In short vending machines are just that: machines. And machines are not perfect. But what if there was a system that was closer to perfect? One that prohibited lost money and stuck product? One that offered even fresher food and guaranteed that customers never had to purchase an outdated product again?

Micro Markets are that system.

What Is A Micro-Market?

A Micro Market operates as a mini convenience store in break rooms in place of typical vending machines. With open shelving for shelf stable products, reach in coolers and freezers and a self-checkout kiosk, customers (your employees) can hold their product before they ever purchase it. Which means in addition to being guaranteed they will receive what they purchased they can also:

What about money?

Micro Markets use stored value cards, credit cards and fingerprint recognition to make payment as convenient as possible for your employees. In addition, with their stored value cards, employees can upload cash or credit (at the kiosk or online) to make a purchase. The card stores the balance, which means no change is given back (eliminating the coin mechanism which is responsible for roughly 90% of all vending related service calls).

And for freshness?

Those reach in coolers, in addition to beverages; hold FRESH food (not frozen to defrosted, but fresh). Delicious sandwiches, salads, burritos, wraps, fruit, etc. are now readily accessible to your employees.

What does all of this mean for your Atlanta business?

Which in turn increases your company’s bottom line as happy employees will produce better results.

Want to revolutionize your company’s break room with a micro market of your own? Contact your Atlanta vendor, Southern Refreshment Services at 770-239-6482 and ask what requirements need to be met to qualify for a micro market at your place of business.

Micro market with beverage coolers and snacks

Get Started with a Free Quote Today

Contact us today to get a quote for our micro market, vending, pantry, and other services. We look forward to helping you find the perfect solution for your business!